Monday, May 18, 2020

May 18 - Meredith Willson (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual cycle)

Meredith Willson (18 May 1902 – 15 June 1984) had a varied and successful career as a musician, but is best remembered for his Broadway musicals.
[For last year's snippets on Perry Como click here .]

Songs from The Music Man (as Limericks)

Ya Got Trouble

Ya got trouble, my friends, ya got trouble!
The souls of youth are in rubble;
But I have the means
To rescue your teens,
You need a town band on the double!

Your kids are indulging in vice,
In liquor, and billiards, and dice
But help is at hand!
I’ll give you a band!
That you’ll find will be worth twice the price!


Till There Was You

They say there were bells on the hill,
And perhaps they are ringing there still,
But they don’t make a sound
When you’re not around
To appear as the Jack to my Jill.


Marian the Librarian

Admonition is not necessáry in
The case of a small town librarian.
Her prudence would stop her
From being improper,
And that was the case with our Marian.


Seventy-Six Trombones

Trombones?  There’ll be seventy-six,
And drums and cornets in the mix,
And piccolos soaring
On top of the scoring,
And majorettes, too, just for kicks.

 (If you enjoy these posts, please help me, and consider sharing.)

[Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.]

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