Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May 5 - Charles Rosen; François-André Danican Philidor (The Musical Birthday Series - 2nd Annual Cycle)

Charles Rosen (May 5, 1927 – December 9, 2012) was an American pianist and writer on music

NOTE: For last year's post on Tammy Wynette click here.

The Style Classical

The great Charles Rosen
Was one of the chosen, 
   Successful in every endeavor.
Acute and insightful,
If just a bit spiteful,
   And lacking all doubt whatsoever.


François-André Danican Philidor (7 September 1726 – 31 August 1795) was a French 
composer, especially of opéra comique. He was also an innovative and successful chess player.


Had two careers,
And what is more,
In different spheres.

His operas were staged
With great success
While he engaged
In playing chess.

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