Thursday, February 25, 2021

February 25 - George Harrison; Enrico Caruso (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

George Harrison (25 February 1943 – 29 November 2001) was an English musician, singer, songwriter, and music and film producer, and of course, member of the Beatles.

[For last year's thoughts on Myra Hess click here.]




















When You Wish Upon a Sitar

George Harrison, who played guitar,

Was noted as a quiet star,

Who with a spirit soft and gentle

Yearned for something transcendental.

He found his transcendental bridge in

Western drugs and Eastern religion.
























Vocational Counseling

“[A]t the age of 11, the boy was apprenticed to a mechanical engineer who constructed public water fountains.” -- Wikipedia

Caruso’s parents duly made

Their plans to give their son a trade.

He was, in his eleventh year,

Apprenticed to an engineer,

Which would have been a fine career...

But what a difference for Caruso

That he opted not to do so!



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