Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 14 - Johann Nepomuk Hummel (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 14th are here: Leopold Mozart; Aaron Copland (2019) and Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (2020)



Johann Nepomuk Hummel (14 November 1778 – 17 October 1837) was an Austrian composer and virtuoso pianist. His music reflects the transition from the Classical to the Romantic  musical era. He was a pupil of Mozart, Salieri, and Haydn. He was also friends with Beethoven and Schubert.  -Wikipedia 






















Mixed Metaphors

A question that’s hard to resolve

When musical styles evolve,

Is whether to change and be hip,

Or stay with the course of your ship.

Herr Hummel, unluckily saddled

With a period when eras were straddled,

Was charged with the project of linking

Two eras of musical thinking.

He was thus neither fowl, nor a fish,

Which made a bewildering dish,

A most miscellaneous fascicle

Compounding Romantic and Classical.


Post Mortem


Although Hummel died famous, with a lasting posthumous reputation apparently secure, he and his music were quickly forgotten.  Due to a rising number of available recordings and an increasing number of live concerts across the world, his music is now becoming reestablished in the classical repertoire. -- adapted from Wikipedia

If you think that your place is secure

     When you, at last, shall pass,

It will come as a shocker I’m sure

     To learn you’re only grass.

And this, I am saddened to say,

     Was Hummel’s sad discovery,

Although it’s a fact that today

     He’s made a fair recovery.




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