Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 16 - Johann Strauss III (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 16th are here: Alec Wilder (2020) and Sonny Bono (2021)


Johann Strauss III (16 February 1866 – 9 January 1939) was a composer and conductor.  He was the grandson of Johann Strauss.













Family Tree

Its public reaction [to his operetta] bordered on utter dislike, and music critics called for the distraught composer to reassess himself and to appear under a pseudonym, in order not to tarnish the name of his famous relatives. -- Wikipedia

n 1903, he elevated the Strauss family to a new age of development when the Deutsche Grammophon AG of Germany recorded his conducting of the Johann Strauss Orchestra on eight single-sided records of works by his family. -- Wikipedia


Although, perhaps, it seems absurd.

There was a Johann Strauss the Third.

He tried his luck upon the stage,

(The family name was all the rage),

But critics castigated him,

Suggesting that a pseudonym,

(If he should ever write some more)

Should be imprinted on the score.

(It is a fact that good genetics

Don't protect us from aesthetics.)

He took the hint, he turned a page,

And entered the recording age.

I fondly hope he was rewarded

For family waltzes he recorded.



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