Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2 - Jussi Björling; Jascha Heifetz; Fritz Kreisler (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 2nd are here: Stan Getz (2020) and Martina Arroyo (2021)




Jascha Heifetz (2 February [20 January O.S.] 1901 – 10 December 1987) was a great Russian-American violinist.

Fritz Kreisler (2 February 1875 – 29 January 1962) was a great Austrian-born American violinist and composer.



















Jascha Heifetz and Fritz Kreisler share

Birthday honors on this winter day.

Connoisseurs of fiddlers all declare

There never have been players such as they.

A wonderful coincidence, this pair!

No matter what astrologers may say.





Jussi Björling (5 [sic] February 1911 – 9 September 1960) was a  great Swedish operatic tenor.  There is confusion about his birth date, and while it appears that he was actually born on the 5th, he apparently celebrated it as the 2nd.





















Jussi Björling hailed from Sweden,

  And he had a golden voice;

Fans and critics all agreed in

  Making him their tenor choice.



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