Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 27 - Elisabeth Welch; Johann Philipp Krieger (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 28th are here: Hubert Parry (2020) and Marian Anderson (2021)



Elisabeth Welch (27 February 1904 – 15 July 2003) was an American singer, actor, and entertainer, whose career spanned seven decades.















Second Chances


She followed other black entertainers who had gone off to Europe, where there were more opportunities than in their segregated homeland. ---- Michael Freedland, "Elisabeth Welch [obituary]", Guardian, 16 July 2003


Elisabeth Welch was mixed of race,

And lived in London as her base,

For there a singer got less flack

When they identified as Black.

She took the London stage by storm,

When in the West End to perform

And patrons lined the streets in queues

For tickets to her stage revues.

Then, late in life she could exult

In new attention from a cult

Of eager fans who found that they

Adored her brand of cabaret.






Johann Philipp Krieger (bapt. 27 February 1649 - 7 February 1725) was a significant German organist and composer.






















He was the elder brother of Johann Krieger. – Wikipedia

Johann Philipp and Johann Krieger

Had success (and that not meager),

It’s hard to know one from the other,

But we can blame that on their mother.






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