Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February 2 - Martina Arroyo (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Martina Arroyo (b. 2 February 1937) is an American operatic soprano who had a major international opera career from the 1960s through the 1980s. 
[This post is in celebration of Black History Month.]

[For last year's thoughts on Stan Getz click here.] 









“No, I’m the Other One”

“She was candid about her perceived status as second-best to her great contemporary, fellow African-American spinto Leontyne Price; once, when a Met doorman greeted her as 'Miss Price,' she sweetly replied, ‘No, honey, I'm the other one.’ ”  -- Wikipedia


Miss Arroyo, who was cast

In roles where she was unsurpassed,

Earned ecstatic curtain calls

In opera and concert halls.

And yet, it’s not completely clear

Why someone with so great career

Never quite achieved the fame

To make herself a household name.

But Fate, of course, controls the dice

And put her up against Miss Price;

In fact, it’s said that she was seen

As second place to Leontyne,

Which might have been enough to peeve a

Less good-natured opera diva.




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