Thursday, February 11, 2021

February 11 - Otis Clay (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Otis Clay (11 February 1942 – 8 January 2016) was an American R&B and soul  singer. In 2013, Clay was inducted to the Blues Hall of Fame.  [This post is in celebration of Black History Month.]

[For last year's limerick on Jerome Lowenthal click here.] 











Feat of Clay

There’s not a lot that one can say

About the singer Otis Clay.

He’s not a major star, instead he

Forged a lifework, long and steady.

And though it didn’t make him rich,

His music filled a modest niche.

He had some hits (far down the charts),

But still, admiring counterparts

Voted to include his name

In Memphis’s Blues Hall of Fame.


Persevere and do not grumble,

Even if your career is humble.

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