Wednesday, October 12, 2022

October 12 - Ralph Vaughan Williams; Johann Ludwig Krebs (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 12th are here: Ralph Vaughan Williams (2019), Ralph Vaughan Williams; Luciano Pavarotti (2020), and Ralph Vaughan Williams (2021)



Ralph Vaughan Williams (12 October 1872 – 26 August 1958) was one of the most important British composers of the last century.

















Jollification for RVW at 150

Does RVW

Ever trouble you,

   That is, in an earwormish way?

Does partiality

For old modality

    Determine the music you play?

And are you smitten with

Music that’s written with

   A certain echt English caché?

Then shout huzzah with me,

Hip hip hurrah with me,

   On this sesquicentennial day.   






Johann Ludwig Krebs (bapt. 12 October 1713 – 1 January 1780) was a German musician and composer.  He was on of J. S. Bach's most talented pupils.


















L' arrière-garde


Krebs's counterpoint  is considered by many to be comparable to Bach's, but it was old-fashioned and excessively complex for the galant era, which espoused clarity and simplicity. -- Wikipedia

Johann Ludwig Krebs was almost great,

Except, it seems, his style was out of date.

Musicians find his music too ornate,

Encumbered by its contrapuntal weight.

Alas, poor Krebs, it was your humble fate

To live your life some twenty years too late.



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