Monday, October 12, 2020

October 12 - Ralph Vaughan Williams; Luciano Pavarotti (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Ralph Vaughan Williams (12 October 1872 – 26 August 1958) was one of the most important British composers of the last century.

[For last year's verse on Ralph Vaughan Williams click here.] 


You Say Either...

Although his parents thought it safe

To name their little darling Ralph,

Perhaps their should have called him Alf

A less uncertain name than Ralph.










Luciano Pavarotti (12 October 1935 – 6 September 2007) was an Italian operatic tenor, widely consider to be one of the great tenors of the last century.















Hankie Pankie

“Pavarotti sang his international recital début… on 1 February 1973.... Perspiring due to nerves and a lingering cold, the tenor clutched a handkerchief throughout the début. The prop became a signature part of his solo performances.” --Wikipedia

Luciano held hard to his hankie

While offering song after song,

“Since my mom made me give up my blankie

I’ve carried this hankie along.

I used it, at first, to politely

Remove excess sweat from my brow,

But I’ve taken to bringing it nightly,

Since my fans are expecting it now.”

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