Friday, December 30, 2022

December 30 - William Croft (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 30th are here: Paul Bowles (2019), (Mary) Frances Allitsen (2020), and David Willcocks (2021)



William Croft (bapt. 30 December 1678 – 14 August 1727) was an English composer and organist. 





















Sable Situation


Croft's Funeral Sentences were sung at Handel's funeral,  and have been included in every British state funeral since their publication. -- Wikipedia 

O hold the doleful torch aloft

And sing the praise of William Croft,

Whose solemn anthems for the dead,

(His Sentences are sung, not said),

Are heard at solemn obsequies

For Kings and Queens and folks like these.



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