Sunday, December 11, 2022

December 11 - Brenda Lee; Elliott Carter; Hector Berlioz (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 11th are here: Elliott Carter (2019), Hector Berlioz (2020), and Rita Moreno (2021)



Brenda Lee (b. 11 December 1944) is an American rockabilly, pop, and country singer.


















Holiday Favorite

December’s here, a time when we

Should celebrate Miss Brenda Lee;

So travel back in time with me,

Remembering the times when she

Was on the black-and-white TV

While “Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree”.




Hector Berlioz (11 December 1803 – 8 March 1869) was a French composer and conductor.












Personal Confession

My friends will know I’m one of those

Who doesn’t much like Berlioz,

But rest assured that Norquist's blind spot

Won’t threaten him in his assigned spot.



Elliott Carter (11 December 1908 – 5 November 2012) was an American composer of exhilarating works of great complexity.
















Dangerous Rhythm

Carter, with his rhythmic rigor,

Crafted music that could trigger

Post-traumatic stress in those

Who spend their practice time in throes

Of counting with exact precision

Each compounded subdivision.




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