Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 6 - Orazio Vecchi (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 6th are here: Nikolaus Harnoncourt; Joseph Lamb (2019), Dave Brubeck; Henryk Górecki (2020), and Ira Gershwin; Orazio Vecchi (2021)



Orazio Vecchi (bapt. 6 December 1550 – 19 February 1605) was an Italian composer best known for his madrigal comedies.















Side Gig


Vecchi was renowned for his madrigals, especially his grouping of them together in a new form called the "madrigal comedy."-- Wikipedia

Vecchi wrote successful sets

Of madrigals and canzonets,

And published then as small vignettes;

And Vecchi, not the least constrained

By Holy Vows (he was ordained),

Was glad that folks were entertained.




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