Saturday, December 10, 2022

December 10 - Olivier Messiaen (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Series)

Previous posts for December 10th are here: Olivier Messiaen (2019), César Franck; Olivier Messiaen (2020), and César Franck; Olivier Messiaen (2021)



Olivier Messiaen (10 December 1908 – 27 April 1992) was an organist and one of the greatest French composers of the 20th century.   













Both Sides

Music of huge power and saccharine kitsch that you either love or loathe. — Andrew Clements, in the Guardian, on Turangalîla-Symphonie

Of course, if you don't like the composer's sensibility to begin with--"too much butterscotch and religion," as one of my friends says--then you'll most likely disagree with me.) – Anastasia Tsioulcas, at arkivmusik on Vingt Regards

I see the day has come again

To write a verse for Messiaen,

Whose music, on a dime, can switch

From lofty Art to cheesy kitsch,

Who turns the dial just a notch

And goes from God to butterscotch.



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