Friday, December 10, 2021

December 10 - César Franck; Olivier Messiaen (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 10th are here: Olivier Messiaen (2019) and César Franck; Olivier Messiaen (2020)



César Franck (10 December 1822 – 8 November 1890) was a Belgian-born organist, composer, and teacher, active in Paris. 






















Two Thoughts on César Franck

Franck's improvisatory skills were now in much demand, since liturgical practice of the time required the ability to take the plainsong music sung for the Mass or the Office and to develop from it organ music fitting into the service between texts sung or spoken by the choir or clergy. – Wikipedia


César Franck loved improvising

  In his most distinguished way,

Embellishing, but not disguising

  The plainchant propers for the day.


Franck’s harmonic meditations

  On ancient tunes of Gregory,

Led his church’s meditations,

  And keep him out of beggary.




Olivier Messiaen (10 December 1908 – 27 April 1992) was an organist and one of the greatest French composers of the 20th century.   












Catalogue d'oiseaux

When Messiaen’s interest was stirred

By the sound of a faraway bird,

He wrote down its song,

Though the chances were strong

It was one he had already heard.



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