Tuesday, December 21, 2021

December 21 - Frank Zappa; Werner von Trapp (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 21st are here: András Schiff; Michael Tilson Thomas (2019) and Michael Tilson Thomas (2020)



Frank Zappa (21 December 1940 – 4 December 1993) was an American musician, singer, composer, songwriter and bandleader.

















Legit Question 1

As he carefully mothered invention,

Was it really Frank Zappa’s intention

To be boldly courageous,

Or was he outrageous

For an ego that needed attention?




Werner von Trapp (21 December 1915 – 11 October 2007) was an Austrian singer and member of the Trapp Family Singers.  He was portrayed as the character Kurt in The Sound of Music.




















Legit Question 2

Was Werner von Trapp at all hurt

When he learned that his character (Kurt)

Goes all evening long

Without his own song,

But is perky and precious and pert?




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