Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 24 - Peter Cornelius (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 24th are here: Harry Warren (2019) and Ricky Martin (2020)


Peter Cornelius (24 December 1824 – 26 October 1874) was a German composer, writer about music, poet and translator.  














Musical Advice for Your Legacy


An arrangement by Ivor Atkins of [Cornelius's] "The Three Kings" for solo voice and choir is included in the first volume of the popular David Willcocks and Reginald Jacques compilation Carols for Choirs. -- Wikipedia  

Though Peter Cornelius wrote other things,

He’s chiefly renowned for his song “The Three Kings.”

Its seasonal nature assists its survival

In somewhat ambivalent yearly revival.

If your name is remembered for only one hit,

Something for Christmastide should surely be it.



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