Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 22 - Andre Kostelanetz (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 22nd are here:  Edgard Varèse; Giacomo Puccini (2019) and Carl Friedrich Abel (2020)



Andre Kostelanetz (22 December 1901 – 13 January 1980) was a Russian-born American conductor and arranger especially in the light classics and easy listening vein.















…And His Orchestra

Sing, O Muse, of Kostelanetz!

Not with odes, and not with sonnets,

But with verses more prosaic,

Quatrains, simple and trochaic.

Kostelanetz had a flair

For a brand of lighter fair

In the “easy listening” niche.

And happily, it made him rich.

Eschew poetic engineering!

No villanelles! No sonneteering!

Offer Kostelanetz praises

In humble tetrametric phrases.



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