Tuesday, December 10, 2019

December 11 - Elliott Carter (The Musical Birthday Series)

Elliott Carter (11 December 1908 – 5 November 2012) was an American composer of exhilarating works of great complexity.

The verse on the Piano Concerto has appear previously in my earlier blog "the Once Was a Man who Wrote Verse."


The suite from the ballet Pocahontas
Has nothing whatever to daunt us.


Piano Concerto

A pianist once said,"I'm a martyr
To the Piano Concerto of Carter -
I've worked on the score
'Til my fingers were sore -
It's opening tritone
Is the ringtone on my phone -
But it's still not a thing
I can whistle or sing -
And it's rhythmic esprit
(Six and five against three)
Is too much for me...
It's intended for somebody smarter." 


String Quartets

In all there are five string quartets
(Though the Third is a pair of duets…).
They make such demands
On the brains and the hands
That the players all break out in sweats.


Accidents Happen

When Carter had finished What Next?
He took one last look at the text.
And decided that he
Was as flummoxed as we,
Though rather less vexed and perplexed.



Said Carter, “One hundred and one
Might be a good age to be done,
But I’ll get out a score
And write even more,
For I’m not at the end of my run."

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