Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 7 - Pietro Mascagni; Rudolf Friml (The Musical Birthday Series)

Pietro Mascagni (7 December 1863 – 2 August 1945) was an Italian opera composer.

To Cav or Cav Not

The staff at the new pizzeria
Sang excerpts from Cavalleria.
Next week they do Pag,
And then all in drag,
A gender-reversed Mamma Mia!

Rudolf Friml (7 December 1879 – 12 November 1972) was a composer, largely remembered for his successful operettas.

Art is Calling You

When Friml with expert esprit
Presented his new Rose-Marie
About a young lady in
The Rockies Canadian,
The public above all
Loved “Indian Love Call”,
The staging was mountie full
And profits were bountiful,
And the backers all shouted, “Yippee!

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