Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 19 - Fritz Reiner; Paul Dessau (The Musical Birthday Series)

Fritz Reiner (19 December 1888 – 15 November 1963) was a widely revered conductor best remember for his years with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Mean Streak

Maestro Reiner, martinet,
Made the best musicians sweat.
In rehearsal he made use of
Words insulting and abusive,
Finding ways to be sadistic
In the name of things artistic.

Strange that such behavior ended
In a legacy so splendid.


Paul Dessau (19 December 1894 – 28 June 1979) was a German composer best known for his collaborations with Bertold Brecht.

Vox populi

When Dessau was writing a song
His political motives were strong.
He wrote for The Masses
And thought that these classes
Returned his esteemed.  He was wrong.

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