Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December 4 - Deanna Durbin (The Musical Birthday Series)

Deanna Durbin (4 December 1921 – 17 April 2013) was a remarkable actor and singer in Hollywood films.

Two Biographical Limericks for Deanna Durbin

 "In 1946, Durbin was the second-highest paid woman in the United States, ... and in 1947, she was the top-salaried woman in the United States. Her fan club ranked as the world's largest during her active year," - Wikipedia

Leading Lady

Miss Durbin the highest paid star?
Today, it seems strange and bizarre,
And just goes to show you
That one day they know you,
And the next… no idea who you are!


"As she matured, Durbin grew dissatisfied with the girl-next-door roles assigned to her, and attempted to portray a more womanly and sophisticated style. The film noir, Christmas Holiday (1944) and the whodunit Lady on a Train (1945) were, however, not as well received as her musical comedies and romances had been." - Wikipedia

Great Expectations

Miss Durbin, a musical fixture,
Wanted films that would give her a mixture
Of genres and roles,
But in spite of these goals,
The taste of the audience nixed her.

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