Thursday, January 26, 2023

January 26 - Emanuel Aloys Förster; Jimmy Van Heusen (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 26th are here: Alice Babs (2020), Maria von Trapp (2021), Stéphane Grappelli; Jimmy Van Heusen (2022)



Emanuel Aloys Förster (26 January 1748 – 12 November 1823) was a composer and music teacher, who spent most of his life in Vienna. 















A Little Help from My Friends

In Vienna, he became friends with Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven.  Förster's compositions were often played, along with those of Beethoven and Haydn, by the legendary Schuppanzigh Quartet. – adapted from Wikipedia

In the classical days of Alt Wien

When composers took time to convene,

Old Förster was blest

To hang out with the best

Of the Viennese musical scene.



Jimmy Van Heusen (26 January 1913 – 6 February 1990) was an American composer of popular songs.


















Come Fly with Me


Many Cahn and Van Heusen songs were the title songs for Frank Sinatra albums of the late 1950s. – Wikipedia


When Frank Sinatra put on wax

  His Capitol releases,

He often took as title tracks,

  Van Heusen masterpieces.



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