Monday, January 9, 2023

January 9 - Betty Roché; John Knowles Paine (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 9th are here: Rudolf Bing; Joan Baez (2020), Reinhard Keiser (2020), and John Knowles Paine (2022)



Betty Roché (9 January 1918 – 16 February 1999) was an American jazz and blues singer who had a sporadic career, and best known for her version of "Take the 'A' Train" with its composer Duke Ellington. 
















I’m extending my plaudits today

To the singer Miss Betty Roché,

Who was there on the stand

With the Ellington band

When the train that they took was the “A”.



John Knowles Paine (9 January 1839 – 25 April 1906) was the first American-born composer to achieve fame for large-scale orchestral music.  In spite of its historical importance, his music is largely forgotten.




















Not Les Six


Amy Beach, George Chadwick, Arthur Foote, Edward MacDowell, John Knowles Paine and Horatio Parker collaborated and eventually became known as the Boston Six. - Wikipedia, s.v. "Second New England School"


John Knowles Paine

  And the Boston Six,

Were quite the most sane

   Of musical cliques.


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