Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 7 - Francis Poulenc; Adam Krieger (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 7th are here: Francis Poulenc (2020), (2021), and Jean-Pierre Rampal (2023)



Francis Poulenc (7 January 1899 – 30 January 1963) was a French composer and pianist whose music, especially his works for voices, is still a popular part of the repertoire.



















Critical Question 1


The two sides to Poulenc's musical nature caused misunderstanding during his life and have continued to do so. This still leads some critics to underrate his seriousness.-- adapted from Wikipedia 

Is it churlish of one to complain

That in Poulenc’s more serious vein,

That though he may seek

To be doleful and bleak,

There’s always a hint of champagne?




Adam Krieger (7 January 1634 – 30 June 1666) was a German composer and organist, remembered for his role in the development of the solo song.




















Critical Question 2


His second collection of Arien (1667) survives and has been edited in vol. 19 of Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst. -- Wikipedia

Of the Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst it is true

  That Volume 19 features Adam Krieger;

But would it be indelicate if you

   Remarked that as a “Monument” it’s meager?



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