Tuesday, March 12, 2024

March 11 - Lawrence Welk (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 11th may be found here:  Carl Ruggles (2019), Lawrence Welk (2020), Henry Cowell; Astor Piazzolla (2021), Lawrence Welk; Bobby McFerrin (2022), and Lawrence Welk; Mercer Ellington (2023)


Lawrence Welk (11 March 1903 – 17 May 1992) was an American bandleader and accordionist who had a successful television career. 





















Hometown Boy


Lawrence Welk’s unique vocal style and accent became iconic and recognizable to his fans. His warm and charming manner of speaking added to his endearing personality. -- Cordey Weems, "17 Extraordinary Facts About Lawrence Welk" (facts.net)


Whenever a performance was done he would praise it,

And “wunnerful, wunnerful,” was how he would phrase it.

His peculiar accent was not an iota

The sort you’d imagine from south North Dakota,

But he found that the gimmick was useful to coax

The public to believe he was “one of the folks.”



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