Friday, March 8, 2024

March 8 - Franco Alfano; Bendix Friedrich Zinck; Gottfried Wilhelm Fink (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous entries for March 8th may be read here: C. P. E. Bach (2019), Alan Hovhaness (2021), Carlo GesualdoCarlo Gesualdo (2022), and Carlo Gesualdo; Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (2023)



Franco Alfano (8 March 1875 – 27 October 1954) was an Italian composer and pianist, best known today for having completed Puccini's opera Turandot in 1926.




















Finishing a Hat


Alfano’s completion in any form cloys. A surge of bombast sweeps away the memory of Liù’s suicide; Turandot’s transformation is poorly motivated (“hormonal,” as one critic scoffed); and the gaudy, Technicolor reprise of “Nessun dorma” as the curtain falls has neither rhyme nor reason. -- Marion Lignana Rosenberg, "Giving Puccini's Turandot the Finale it Deserves" at

Franco Alfano, composer, is not

     Remembered for his own score.

He cobbled an ending for Turandot,

     And that is all he’s known for.

Though some say his way of resolving the plot

     Is something to atone for.






Zinck, Bendix Friedrich (bapt. 8 March 1743 - 23 June 1801 German instrumentalist and composer.


Gottfried Wilhelm Fink (8 March 1783 – 27 August 1846) was a German composer, music theorist, poet, and clergyman.


















Two for One

Today I was on the brink

Of wasting pen and ink

On Bendix Friedrich Zinck

And Gottfried Wilhelm Finck

Because their birthdays sync; –

It’s foolish, don’t you think?

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