Saturday, April 6, 2024

April 6 - Johann Kuhnau (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 6th may be found here: André Previn (2019), Gheorghe Zamfir (2020), Johann Kuhnau (2021), John Pizzarelli (2022), and Johann Kuhnau (2023)



Johann Kuhnau (6 April 1660 – 5 June 1722) was a German composer and Bach's predecessor at Leipzig. He was also active as a novelist, translator, lawyer, and music theorist.




















Cuckoo for Kuhnau

If I should mention Johann Kuhnau,

People, in response, ask, “Who now?”

If this would be the case for you now,

And your with those without a clue now,

Then take a number, join the quenow, –

Prepare to hear of someone new now,

He’s not a man you should pooh pooh now.



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