Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30 - Riccardo Zandonai (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 30th are found here: Benny Goodman (2019), Gustav Leonhardt (2020), Benny Goodman (2021), Benny Goodman (2022), and Pauline Oliveros (2022)



Riccardo Zandonai (28 or 30 May 1883 – 5 June 1944) was an Italian composer, especially of operas. [Most sources give his birth date as May 28, but some including the usually very reliable Baker's Biographical give the 30th,  which fits my needs better today.  I have written about him previously May 28, 2021.]






















Zandonai's fame rests largely on his opera Francesca da Rimini. – Wikipedia

“But as the evening wears on, you are likely to wonder why anyone felt any of it [Francesca da Rimini] was worth the bother.” -- Steve Smith, NYT review of Met production of Francesca da Rimini, March 6, 2013

If someone praises Zandonai,

I think I know the reason why;

They use him to impress their friends

With operatic odds and ends.

They are the sort who like to pose

As someone who enjoys and knows

The scores of long-forgotten shows,

And thus intimidating those

Whose ticket buying choice depends

On what a critic recommends,

And critics are a little shy

Of recommending Zandonai.



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