Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14 - Samuel Sebastian Wesley (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 14th are here: Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji (2019), Steve Martin; Sarah Brightman (2020), Samuel Sebastian Wesley (2021)Buddy Greco (2022). and Pierre Schaeffer (2023)



Samuel Sebastian Wesley (14 August 1810 – 19 April 1876) was an English organist and composer. 














The 119 rank organ at St. George’s Hall, Liverpool, was completed in 1855. It was initially tuned to mean tone temperament to the specification of  S. S. Wesley but in 1867 W. T. Best, city organist, had it retuned to equal temperament. –  based on Wikipedia, s.v. “St George's Hall, Liverpool / Organ and organists”

Samuel Sebastian Wesley spent

  His lifetime on a quest

Of fighting equal temperament

   Within the organ chest.

The effort was, and let’s be frank,

   Peculiar and bizarre

The passion of a rabid crank

  Resisting how things are.

A waste of time, a waste of breath,

   Though Wesley still defended it,

But what relief when at his death,

   The organ tuner ended it.



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