Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 18 - Johann Gottfried Walther (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 18th are here: Lord Berners; Francesca Caccini (2019), Arthur Benjamin (2020), Agnes De Mille; Johann Gottfried Walther (2021), Ignaz Holzbauer (2022), and Lord Berners (2023)



Johann Gottfried Walther (18 September 1684 – 23 March 1748) was a German composer, music theorist, lexicographer, and organist.





















No Place Like Tome

Walther was most well known as the compiler of the Musicalisches Lexicon, an enormous dictionary of music and musicians, and the first dictionary of musical terms written in the German language. - adapted from Wikipedia

Johann Gottfried Walther wrote

  A work of reference.

Which chances are indeed remote

  You’d read by preference.

But if you do, and if you quote, –

  Quote with deference.




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