Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10 - Boris Tchaikovsky (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 10th are here:  Henry Purcell (2019), 2020, Henry Purcell; Niccoló Jommelli (2021), José Feliciano (2022), and Adele Astaire; Henry Purcell (2023)



Boris Tchaikovsky (10 September 1925 – 7 February 1996) was a Soviet and Russian composer.

















Namely (1)

Boris Tchaikovsky (no relation to Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky) studied at Moscow Conservatory with Dmitry Shostakovich. – excerpted from www.boris-tchaikovsky.com/

Said Boris Tchaikovsky, “It’s tough

When your last name is famous enough

That listeners begin

With the thought that he’s kin,

And compare what you write with his stuff.”


Namely (2)

As Boris Tchaikovsky once stated,

“It’s my burden to bear that I’m freighted

With the most famous name

In the musical game,

And yet I’m in no way related.”




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