Sunday, July 28, 2019

July 28 - Rudy Vallée (The Musical Birthday Series)

Rudy Vallée (28 July 1901 –3 July 1986) was an American singer and movie actor.


Rudy Vallée, trim and dapper,
(Just ask any twenties flapper),
With his tenor gently crooning
Turning thoughts to love and spooning.
Learned to use a megaphone 
To  project his slender tone.
Also, he was well rewarded
For the songs that he recorded.

But the private side of Rudy
Was unpleasant, angry, moody.
When he wasn’t on the stage
Led by ego, filled with rage,
He was prone to curse and brawl
Shunning proper protocol. 

Sometimes when you see a star
You don’t know who they really are.

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