Sunday, January 5, 2020

January 5 - Wieland Wagner; Friedrich Blume (The Musical Birthday Series)

Wieland Wagner (5 January 1917 – 17 October 1966) was an opera director and the grandson of Richard Wagner.

German Thoroughness 1

Wieland Wagner had the blood of the line,
And therefore was treated as semi-divine.
He staged new productions so spare and alarming
That nobody ever considered them charming.
He replaced the old trappings of sagas and myths
With plinths and planks and monoliths.


Friedrich Blume (5 January 1893 – 22 November 1975) was an influential German musicologist.

German Thoroughness 2

Friedrich Blume, the musical scholar
Who edited the MGG,
Could have worked on something smaller,
But such a dogged man as he
Would have rather died in squalor
Than stop before the letter Z.

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