Sunday, August 23, 2020

August 23 - Gene Kelly (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Gene Kelly (23 August 1912 – 2 February 1996) was an American actor, dancer,and singer.

[For last year's tribute to Malvina Reynolds click here.]


Anchors Aweigh (1)

Alone Together

In the magically timed combination

Of actor with skilled animation

It’s hard to determine

If Gene or the vermin

Created the greater sensation.

Anchors Aweigh (2)

The Mousetrap

When the star of the film was a teacher

Of dancing routines to a creature,

It brought down the house,

And Jerry the Mouse

Remains the big hit of the feature.

Singin’ in the Rain

Invitation to a Wetting

It would do him no good to complain

As he sang and he danced in the rain;

He knew very well, he

Would hear, “Mr. Kelly,

We’re shooting that sequence agāin.”



An American in Paris (1)

La Bohème

I think that we all can agree

That Bohemian life in Paree

Should probably start

With a talent for art,

And not just balletic esprit.

An American in Paris (2)

Les Americains

When you’re dancing an arty ballet

In a painterly sort of a way,

You’re bound to embarass

The people of Paris

In a gauche echt-American way.














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