Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 27 - Rebecca Clarke; Eric Coates (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Both of today's honorees were born on the same day.

Rebecca Clarke (27 August 1886 – 13 October 1979) was a British-American composer and violist. 

Eric Coates (27 August 1886 – 21 December 1957) was an English composer and violist.

[For last year's elegy on Lester Young click here.]






A splendid thing! We here extol a

Couple folks who played viola.

Today, my merry muse devotes

A thought or two to Clarke and Coates.

Did a star indulge in tricks

So both were born in ‘86.

And did another guide this feature? 

Both, as pupils, shared a teacher.

Though alike in how they started

As composers they were parted:

The music of Rebecca Clarke

Were brooding, lush, intense, and dark;

While Eric Coates’s choice domain

Was music in a lighter vein


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