Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 25 - Armand-Louis Couperin (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 25th are here: Myra Hess (2020), George Harrison; Enrico Caruso (2021), and Enrico Caruso (2022)



Armand-Louis Couperin (25 February 1727 – 2 February 1789) was a French composer, organist, and harpsichordist.  He was a member of the Couperin family of musicians, of which the most notable were his great-uncle Louis and his cousin Francois.




















A Man, A Clan

Though we’ve already taken a glance

At the Couperin family of France,

Let’s bring to the fore

One Couperin more —

So Armand-Louis, here’s your chance!




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