Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 5 - Ole Bull (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 5th are here: Ole Bull (2020), Barrett Strong; Christian Gottlob Neefe (2021), and Grażyna Bacewicz (2022)



Ole Bull (5 February 1810 – 17 August 1880) was a internationally renowned Norwegian violinist. 










Bull Sessions

During the 1860s and 1870s Bull went on several tours across the U.S. - Wikipedia

When internationally-acclaimed Norwegian violinist Ole Bull came to Madison in January 1868, tickets for his concert were going for ten dollars apiece, five times what most men could hope to earn in a day. Bull was used to that kind of hoopla. –adapted from Norman Gilliland,

Consider the box office pull

Of that man of the Norse, Ole Bull.

When he toured on the prairie

We're told there was nary

A show where the hall wasn't full.



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