Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28 - Bernadette Peters (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 28th are here: Jean-Baptiste Arban (2020), Geraldine Farrar (2021)Tommy Tune; John Alden Carpenter (2022)


Bernadette Peters (b. 28 February 1948) is an American actress, singer, and children's book author.  





















A Composer Knows

Sondheim has said of Peters, "Like very few others, she sings and acts at the same time," he says. "Most performers act and then sing, act and then sing ... Bernadette is flawless as far as I'm concerned. I can't think of anything negative." -- Wikipedia

A composer, sans gauges or meters,

Can distinguish the echt from the cheaters,

And Sondheim avers

That perfection occurs

In redoubtable Bernadette Peters.



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