Sunday, October 15, 2023

October 15 - Bill Charlap; Dag Wirén; Friedrich Nietzsche (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 15th are here: Bernhard Crusell; Gordon Young (2019), Richard Carpenter (2020)Friedrich Nietzsche (2021), and Alexander Dreyschock (2022)



Bill Charlap (b. 15 October 1966) is an American jazz pianist. 















Standard Thoughts

Bill Charlap plays jazz that’s accessible,

With elan that remains irrepressible,

And I think he’d concede

That there’s really no need

To get stuck in the Dark Inexpressible.




Dag Wirén (15 October 1905 – 19 April 1986) was a Swedish composer,best known for his works for string orchestra. 














Public Radio Tips

Dag Wirén wrote music for strings

That’s always on deck in the wings

For stations to cue up

When nothing is due up, —

A sensible use for such things.




Friedrich Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was an influential philosopher and amateur musician.




















Hobby Lobby


German conductor and pianist Hans von Bülow described one of Nietzsche's pieces as "the most undelightful and the most antimusical draft on musical paper that I have faced in a long time". -- adapted from Wikipedia

Friedrich Nietzsche, you may know,

Took his pen and had a go

At writing music, but consensus

Says a good amanuensis

Might have helped this brilliant thinker

When this was how he chose to tinker.



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