Wednesday, October 4, 2023

October 4 - Anonymous (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 4th are here: Anonymous and Anonymous IV (2019), Anonymous; Domenico Corri (2020), Anonymous (2021), and Anonymous (2022)



Anonymous ( ? - ? ).  On some days there are few musicians of any prominence celebrating their birthdays, and so for several years I have taken time on October 4th to celebrate that very prolific master, "Anonymous".




















To Whom It May Concern

To know the composer can give us an inkling

Of what to expect from her musing and tinkling.

A canonical name, or a name that is not,

Can help us decide, should we give it a shot?

A name predisposes to praise or derision,

But faced with Anonymous, risking misprision,

We’ve only our wits as we make a decision.

But the works of Anonymous, with author unknown,

Find their way inworld by their own strength alone,

All hail to Anonymous, almost a Saint,

If you think that she’s not, try to prove that she ain’t!




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