Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 1 - Roger Quilter. Emma Albani (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 1st are here: Roger Quilter; Guido Adler (2019), Victoria de los Angeles (2020), Roger Quilter (2021), and Roger Quilter (2022)



Roger Quilter (1 November 1877 – 21 September 1953) was a British composer, important for his art songs.













Quilter Filter


According to Valerie Langfield, his style "was indisputably English" despite his German training, and once matured around 1905, did not develop further. -- Wikipedia 

He discovered his musical truth

In the style that he found in his youth;

Though he lived to old age,

There was never a page

That was ugly, ill-bred, or uncouth.




Emma Albani (1 November 1847 – 3 April 1930) was a Canadian-British operatic soprano who the first Canadian singer to become an international star.




















Embracing Technology

Emma Albani, a Canadian singer,

Deserved all the fame that her singing could bring her.

While touring in Europe, she sang for Victoria,

Which doubtless filled both with artistic euphoria.

You can hear how she sounded, preserved on recording,

But listening on YouTube is less than rewarding.

Her voice, when recorded, was tired and frayed,

And recording equipment on which they were made

Wasn’t kind to a voice that had taken a battering,

And the resulting recordings are not very flattering.




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