Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5 - Bryan Adams; Ryan Adams; Thomas Sanders Dupuis (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 5th are here: Hans Sachs (2019), Art Garfunkel (2020), Myron Floren (2021), and Roy Rogers (2022)












Ryan Adams (b. 5 November 1974) is an American rock and country singer-songwriter. 

Bryan Guy Adams (b. 5 November 1959) is a Canadian musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, and photographer.

Adams, Not Family

By a happenstance hard to enhance,

Which I wouldn't have known in advance,

It’s the birthday of Bryan,

And also of Ryan,

Two Adamses caught in one glance!




Thomas Sanders Dupuis (5 November 1733 – 17 July 1796) was a British composer and organist of French extraction. He succeeded William Boyce at the Chapel Royal, and was regarded as one of the best organists of his day. 















Thomas Sanders Dupuis

Had the talent and luck to be

Chosen for the Chapel Royal,

As organist, august and loyal,

Having been the legal choice

On the death of William Boyce.

Elegiac Envoi

At death, with honors there to grab, he

Found his tomb within the Abbey.

And since he reached these heights, it’s rotten

That his name has been forgotten.




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