Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27 - Anton Stamitz (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 27th are here: Jimi Hendrix (2019), Hilary Hahn (2020), Rudolph Reti; Margaret Ruthven Lang (2021), and Anton Stamitz (2022)


Anton Stamitz (bapt. 27 November 1750 – c. 1798–1809) was a German composer and violinist.
















Stamitz was the surname of a family of German Bohemian musicians, the principal members of which were: Johann Stamitz (1717–1757), founder of the Mannheim school; his two sons Carl Stamitz (1745–1801) and Anton Stamitz (1750–c.1800) – adapted from Wikipedia, s.v. “Stamitz”

Anton disappeared from public view around the time of the 1789 Revolution, and a contemporary report suggests that he had been admitted to an asylum for the insane; the exact date of his death remains unknown. –

Not all of the family Stamitz

Were born under promising comets;

Both Johann and Carl were prominent

In making the Mannheim School prominent,

While Anton dissolved into history

In an unexplained musical mystery.



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