Saturday, November 4, 2023

November 4 - Carl Tausig (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 4th are here: Carl Tausig (2019), Gena Branscombe (2020), Arnold Cooke; Sean Combs (2021), and Carl Tausig (2022)



Carl Tausig (4 November 1841 – 17 July 1871) was a great pianist and a minor composer, now mostly remembered for virtuoso arrangements and transcriptions.





















Unrecorded Now

Tausig was considered by some critics to be the most distinguished (pianistically) of Liszt's pupils and to carry pure virtuosity to heights only suggested by Liszt. Anton Rubenstein called him "the infallible." – Wikipedia

What we wouldn’t give to hear

Tausig play; he had no peer.

“Infallible” they sometimes called him,

And critics of the time installed him

In a high Parnassian shrine,

And when he died at twenty-nine

All his fellow pianists grieved, —

But secretly they were relieved.



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