Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 4 - Arnold Cooke; Sean Combs (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 4th are here: Carl Tausig (2019) and Gena Branscombe (2020)



Arnold Cooke (4 November 1906 – 13 August 2005) was a prolific British composer. 


















Cooke’s Tour

I thought today I’d take a look

At composer Arnold Cooke;

And so I took a look, and well,

There isn’t very much to tell.

All his pieces sound a bit

Like his teacher, Hindemith;

He wrote a lot, had some success,

And that’s the upshot, more or less.






Sean Combs [Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, Puffy or Diddy] (b. 4 November 1969) is an American rapper, record executive, record producer, and entrepreneur. 















I cannot use his names as rhymes,

   Because we don’t how or when

(As he has done so many times)

   Sean Combs will change his name again.




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