Friday, February 9, 2024

February 9 - Alban Berg (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 9th are here: Alban Berg (2020), Carmen Miranda (2021), Alban Berg (2022), and Alban Berg; Johann Aegidius Bach (2023)



Alban Berg (9 February 1885 – 24 December 1935) was a great Austrian composer mostly in atonal and serial styles.
















Harsh Realities

It’s unlikely that Alban Berg’s Lulu

Is a popular feature on Hulu,

And it not at all likely to climb

In the ratings at Amazon Prime,

And you won’t find it there if you get flicks

With a streaming subscription from Netflix,

And it goes without saying, you’re not able

To watch it on regular cable.

There may be no streaming locale

For Alban Berg’s louche femme fatale.





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