Saturday, February 17, 2024

February 17 - Ed Sheeran (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 17th are here: Arcangelo Corelli (2020), Banjo Paterson (2021), Arcangelo Corelli (2022), and Edward German (2023)



Ed Sheeran (b. 17 February 1991) is a popular English singer-songwriter. 











Oh Look! It's Ed Sheeran...

Ed Sheeran comes off as impossibly nice,

  As humble, as gracious, as caring,

With nary a blemish, and never a vice,

  And no dirty laundry for airing.

He shows up abruptly while doing good deeds,

  Surprising the public at random,

No doubt he’s sincere, but it certainly feeds

  The image he wants with his fandom.



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