Wednesday, February 21, 2024

February 21 - Léo Delibes; Stefano Donaudy (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 21 are here: Charlotte Church (2020), Nina Simone; Charles-Marie Widor (2021), and (2022), and Léo Delibes; Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda (2023)



Léo Delibes (1 February 1836 – 16 January 1891) was a French composer, best known for his ballets and operas.





















Future Tense

The "Flower Duet" from Lakmé is frequently used in advertisements and films.  - adapted from Wikipedia, s.v. “Flower Duet”

Delibes would have lived without debt

If his bank had been able to get,

With prompt regularity

His checks from posterity

For the use of the “Flower Duet”.





Stefano Donaudy (21 February 1879 – 30 May 1925) was an Italian composer.





















Ye Olde…

Donaudy's most famous collection is 36 Arie di Stile Antico.  – Wikipedia

A singer spoke up and said, “Howdy!

My songs for today won’t be rowdy”

And then for a while

He began to beguile

In the antico style of Donaudy.




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